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User experience

The best user experience comes when a product you encounter for the very first time behaves in the way that you expect. There is a very fine line between satisfaction and exasperation. For example, when is a touchscreen not a touchscreen? What clues are provided that the black rectangle in front of you will react if touched? Even more critical is the relationship between physical controls and a display. Audio and visual feedback and the timing of each are different for a personal product versus one located in a high ambient noise environment.


Getting the user interface design right is particularly necessary for an ageing and inclusive market. Nothing turns a user off a product faster than one which makes them feel ignorant or helpless.

TV remote for disabled

The Sky + inclusive remote was developed through a programme of user research with disabled and elderly respondents with a variety of physical and cognitive disabilities.*

Sky inclusive remote control

* This remote was designed by Jonathan Knight in previous employment at Frazer Designers



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